Pauling Biotech Symposium Testimonials

The 2009 symposium was fantastic and I had wonderful time. The symposium gave the students the chance to talk with industry professionals and learn the state of the art of the biotechnology. Thanks to the Grace's endeavor, the students could utilize the Linus Pauling symposium as the platform to build their industry network and get the guidance for their future science career. I am looking forward to attending the next Linus Pauling Biotech Symposium next time.

-Bruce Lu, PhD student,
Brandeis University (Dec 25, 2009).

The Nobel Pauling Biotech Symposium, held on May 1-2, 2010 in Chicago (prior to Bio2010) with the help of volunteers since the registration fee is $0 (even free dim sum). This was a tremendous opportunity for students, postdocs and scientists to learn from global CEO and experts of academia, government and industry (start up, Biotech and Pharma). The symposium was a tremendous success, and we plan to organize another symposiun in Chicago.

-Dr. Douglas J. Cork, Professor of Biological Sciences Biological, Chemical & Physical Sciences,
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago (May 1-2, 2010)

Thank you very much for organizing such a wonderful event in a special time of the year. 2009 Linus Pauling Biotech Symposium was a great success! Congratulation, Grace! The event not only allows the young scientists and students to learn beyond their major research, but also gives the speakers to recall why they chose science at the first place. I would love to participate in future.

-Jason Xiang, Ph.D., Principle Research Scientist,
Pfizer (Dec 25, 2009)

The Nobel Pauling Biotech Symposium was very successful and enjoyable. Thanks to the organizers for organizing this wonderful event. It was my great pleasure to be one of your speakers at this Symposium. I was so happy to see the positive feedbacks from the audiences regarding my talk about career path/advise. This Symposium was also a very good opportunity for meeting people, making connections and social. Wish you will have more successful and enjoyable Symposium in the future.

-Jie Zhao, M.D., Ph.D., Principle Scientist,
Pfizer (Dec 25, 2007)

The event was very nice, and again I thank you for the invitation. Your program is extremely interesting, and I think this type of interactive approach and your presentation content are very beneficial. Learning about HK/USA biotech relations and scientific potential is an important message that anyone can appreciate. Should you do this symposium again in the future in SF, please do not hesitate to contact me. Oct 30, 2006

- Victor Rucker PhD,
Gilead Sciences, CA.

As usual, the singular efforts of Dr. Grace Wong to bring together key thought leaders in the Biotech and Pharma arenas in the friendly social atmosphere of the Nobel Pauling Biotech Symposium was extremely pleasant and enjoyable. It was a real educational opportunity for me to learn about the Hong Kong Science Park initiative during the highly entertaining after-dinner talk, and it was a great opportunity to reconnect with colleagues that I hadn't seen in more than a decade. March 3, 2006

- Dennis France, Vice-President,
Oncology Lead Discovery,
ArQule Biomedical Institute (former Novartis)

It was truly a pleasure, honor, and special experience to meet you. Thanks again for inviting me to speak in the Nobel Pauling Biotech Symposium. It was a wonderful surprise to see Dennis France at the Nobel Pauling Biotech Symposium.

-William R. Shek, DVM, PhD, Senior Scientific Director,
Charles River Laboratories (March 2, 2006)

The presentations and discussion were lively and informative. I met some pharma and biotech participants who could turn into important collaborators. And the food and MIT venue added to the charm of the conference.

-Dr Kenneth J. Dillon, Spectrum Bioscience,
Washington, D.C (March 2, 2006)

It was a great experience attenting Nobel Pauling Symposium over the past weekend. I really appreciate the effort you put in to organize it.

-Soumyaroop Bhattacharya, Bioinformatician,
Harvard Medical School (March,3, 2006)

Thank you for organizing the Hong Kong Science Park / Pauling Biotech Symposium. It was great to finally meet you and to learn about Dr Pauling's achievements and HKSP, as well as all the attendees' backgrounds and career interests. It was definitely one of the best symposiums I have attended!

-Inez Wu, MS, CCRP,
Harvard (March 7 2006)

I attended the Linus Pauling symposium organized by you at Boston. I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the experience. It was wonderful to meet people who are part of the biotechnology industry.

-Yashodhara Dash,
University of Connecticut (March 8 2006)

Great collection of speakers. This Nobel Symposium is good for everyone who works in Academia or Biotech start-ups and Pharma Companies.

-Tonya G, Biotech start-up in Boston

Fanstastic opportunities for high quality networking. Unlike other commercial conferences, this Symposium is by invitation only. People from Academia can mix with members from industry and science can mix with business.

- Reiner L, Biotech start up in Germany

I think your symposia are a great contribution to the Boston biotechnology community.

- David Merberg PhD, Director, Cell Signal Technology

It was a true pleasure to be at the meeting you organized, and to be a part of the very fine presentations you organized. I was able to make some great connections with colleagues and several students approached me as well. Your spirit has really helped everyone in their pursuit and interest in science! Cambridge Pfizer will sponsor your efforts. Thanks again for your enthusiasm and your great energy to get these meetings going -- they are very useful for all of the attendees!!!
- Cynthia Palmer PhD, Pfizer

It's a such wonderful event. It's so lucky for students and young scientists to have this opportunity to learn new things. Your efforts will finally be paid off, just like the seeds you gave out.

- Yin Yang PhD, Scientist from Novartis

You are to be congratulated on organizing an outstanding program. I wish you every success.

- Earle Rugg, Amherst Technologies

Thank you very much for giving me an opportunity to talk on your meeting. It was a very informative, useful and successful event. Congratulations.

- Irina A PhD Scientist, Millennium Pharmaceuticals

It was a terrific event! I certainly hope it emboldens the jobseekers there to ask for jobs, advice, assistance, whatever. We had such a good time, we chatted endlessly on the way home, despite being tired. The networking philosophy certainly worked. Again, thanks!

- Myrna W PhD

Well my ship at the FDA finally came through. So I am off to Rockville MD to have a lab and review medical devices at CDRH (not a cytokine!). Grace, you are very unique and I am trying to get the students at MCB to go to one of your symposia. Giving types like yourself are rather rare in the rather cold sanguine environments of ivy league labs. So I am pointing students your way, if they will just look up from the bench. I feel to be creative, you have to be able to smell the flowers (and draw them too), sort of like a renaissance person. Keep up the good work (and keep your focus).

- Dr. Ethan D.C, Harvard

A good symposium to informally exchange ideas while learning about the latest technology from great scientists.

- a scientist from Biogen

I thought the symposium was well attended and a high concentration of qualified successful speakers.

- a scientist from Serono

I enjoyed fielding insightful questions from the audience and meeting many promising scientists.

- a scientist from Novartis

You did a great job on the symposium and got so many famous sponsors. I am most impressed!

- a CEO of a biotech company in SF

The smart pitch and dim sum were a great experience. It allowed me to pitch my background for a large number of interesting scientists quickly. I strongly encourage other job seekers to participate in this event in the future.

- a Post-doc at Harvard

Congratulations on a successful event. It is encourage to see such a large group of good scientists turn out because most conferences or meetings have too many legal, business people or recruiters.

- a scientist from Aventis

I was truly impressed by the quality of the panel and attendees. The turn out was spectacular in my view. I compliment you for pulling off such a successful one!

- a scientist from Millennium Pharmaceuticals

I think it was a great symposium. I wish I knew few years ago what I know now. The panel discussion was invaluable and has helped me to focus and to avoid the future pitfalls.

- a scientist from Pfizer

It's a such wonderful event (Nobel Pauling Biotech Symposium). It's so lucky for students and young scientists to have this opportunity to learn new things. Your efforts will finally be paid off, just like the seeds you gave out.

- Yong Y., Scientist, Novartis

I hesitated whether I should go or not yesterday, because I had tons of bench work to do. I made such a right decision in my life by participating and enjoying the whole night. What an exciting meeting, and what an exciting idea organizing this!! This is exactly the organization, the meeting, I have been looking for, the network, science, information. I am really impressed by how much efforts you put in (I can imagine a lot of efforts were even not seen by me). So, please, please add me into your volunteer list! I will be very glad if I can help in the near future Pauling Symposium.

- Yong L., Ph.D candidate, Brandeis University

Thank you so, so much for organizing this wonderful symposium/networking event at MIT last Wednesday. The opportunity you gave to so many people, myself included, to meet and talk with well established senior biotech/pharma executives in a small setting was invaluable, and unique: I have never seen this happen before. I also want to thank you for your many wise words of advice, they helped me a lot to gain some needed perspective and refocus some of my strategies. I'm sure a lot of other people feel the same.

- Raul K., PhD

Great Symposium - Nobel Pauling. I enjoyed the conference. The presentations were very insightful.

- Dr. Esther M. Pearson, TPG, Incorporated

Symposium attracts leading scientists from the biotech & pharma community. I have made good contacts which led to valuable collaboration and future job.

-Tufts University scientist

An outstanding symposium for learning the new drug discovery technologies.

-Millenium scientist

Excellent panel of speakers and excellent advice.

- BU scientist

Very homing but Very informative & plenty of cutting edge scientific technologies & advice.

- Aventis scientist

The quality of seminars & attendees were outstanding.

- MIT scientist

Pauling Symposium was free so that we had a chance to meet Biotech experts and the topic was Right on Target!

- Harvard scientist

Thank you for inviting me to attend the Sept 28 Sunday's symposium. The syposium was very interesting with so many great speakers. The topics of the speakers are also very interesting. Please let me know if I can be any help in organizing next symposium.

- Z. Wong, PhD, Boston New Biotech

I wanted to thank you for the opportunity to participate in this Nobel Pauling Biotech Symposium and to be able to shortly present my company in Smart Pitch. Big thanks Congratulation on excellent organization. It is better than BIO2003! Indeed I got many contacts and ideas to pursue. I will also try to line up few biotechs from Connecticut for the next meeting.

- Mark J. Bergander, PhD, TTL Clinical

I found the seminars very informative. I have followed up on the contacts with researchers that I met at the September meeting. I am looking forward to the November meeting on bioinformatics. At Brandeis, I am currently taking two courses, proteomics and drug discovery. The material presented in the studentvision seminars enhances my course work.

-L. Dalton

Congratulations! The symposium was a big success. Everyone I talked to really enjoyed the forum you created.

- Mark Tepper, PhD, President of Araios

It was yet another excellent Nobel Pauling Symposium on Christmas Day, and I would like to thank you for organizing such a meaningful scientific and social event for many scientists. You are a very good role model for scietists like myself and I would like to consult you on my career plans.

- Erdogan Memili, DVM, MS, PhD, GTC Biotherapeutics

Hearty congratulations to you and all involved for organizing, planning and running yesterday's fun, enlightening and magnificent show -- among the best I have ever attended. And the food was fantastic as well! We look forward to participating in future symposia.

- Dick Gibson, PhD, Greiner Bio-One, Inc.

I really enjoyed attending--and participating!-- in the most recent Nobel Pauling Biotech Symposium held this past Thanksgiving. The Symposium reflected the energy and enthusiasm of its organizers, through a rapid-fire series of stimulating talks on topics of interest to both experienced Biotech and academia professionals in the field of biotechnology and drug discovery. As a new attendee at this Symposium I particularly appreciated the warm atmosphere of the event as well as the opportunity to network and make new friends in the field. This event stood out as completely distinct from most technical symposia by fostering interactions between individuals not only with widely different professional specializations but also with different levels of experience. I would encourage anyone interested in learning about the latest developments in the biological sciences, whether from academia, industry, or government or a student, recent graduate, or seasoned veteran, to attend future events. I know I am eagerly looking forward to the next Student Vision symposium!

- Paul A. DiMilla, PhD, Organogenesis

I must tell you how much I enjoyed the 5th Nobel Pauling Biotech Symposium held on November 27. It was a great opportunity for me to learn about cutting-edge technology from scientists who are working on the frontier of different biotech areas. Since I am working in the pharmaceutical industry, I don't have much chance to be exposed to basic research. This symposium provided me with a great opportunity to update myself in the areas of cell culture, DNA science, bioinformatics and new technology for clinical trials in drug selection. According to the handout provided by the organizer, Dr. Grace Wong, all speakers are outstanding scientists and well-trained in their research area. These speakers not only contributed their thoughts, their research work and their publications to the attendees, but also inspire young scientists and students to be passionate about their work and appreciate their opportunities to work in this area. In addition, the symposium also gave the attendees a great chance to network with other scientists to exchange their thoughts, their technology, and their job opportunities in various institutions. In general, the symposium helps us grow professionally and personally. Through the meeting, the young scientists leant from experienced scientists about their passion, their attitude, and their thoughts about science.

- Dr. Maggie Zhang, Director, Schering-Plough, NJ

Thanks for a fantastic event. This was one of the best one-day symposiums I have ever attended! The science and food were great. I look forward to the next one.

- Anton Beletskii, PhD, Abbott (2003)

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