A) Education:
Gifts from Dr. Linus Pauling, Jr. (Contact Catherine Laplace PhD
ActoKine Therapeutics) |
3:00 - 3:20 pm |
Seminar by the Winner of the Trivia Contest
Moderator: Jim Dasch PhD ActoKine Therapeutics
Speaker: Meena Arunachala |
3:20 - 4:20 pm |
Smart Pitch
Moderators: Jim Flynn PhD & Sonia Wallman PhD |
4:20 - 4:30 pm |
Who's Who
Moderator: Raul Krauss PhD Director ActoKine |
4:30 - 5:00 pm |
Exhibition Booth
(Contact: Yaw-Ching Yang,PhD, Director ActoKine Therapeutics) |
B) New Biotechnology
+ buffet dinner, Chair by Matthew Cooper PhD Biogen & David Merberg
PhD |
Reinhard Ebner, PhD
Suxing Liu, PhD
Irina Agoulnik, PhD
5:00 - 5:25 pm |
Reinhard Ebner PhD Avalon Pharmaceuticals
Title: High-Throughput Transcriptional Profiling for Novel Drug
Discovery & Optimization |
5:25 - 5:50 pm |
Suxing Liu, PhD, Schering-Plough
Title: Identification of p53 target genes by bioinformatics and
microarray approaches |
6:00 - 6:25 pm |
Martin Scott, PhD, Biogen
Title: RNAi and Transgenesis |
6:25 - 6:50 pm |
Irina Agoulnik, PhD, Millennium
Title: Microarray Data analysis for new Drug Discovery |
C) Keynote speaker
(+ buffet dinner)
Introduction: Grace Wong PhD, Founder of Student
Vision & ActoKine Therapeutics |

Robert Allen Lewis, MD
7:00 - 7:50 pm |
Bob Lewis MD, Aventis
Title: Target Discovery and Validation in Immunology |
D) Panel Discussion
(+ buffet dinner) |
8:00 - 9:30 pm |
Biotech vs. Big Pharma Moderators: Seth Cohen PhD
and Mark Tepper PhD |
Big Pharma Speakers: |
Aventis (Natesan, Sridaran PhD)
AstraZeneca (Lihua Yu PhD and David Merberg PhD),
Novartis (Qian Huang PhD),
Schering-Plough (Suxing Liu PhD),
Pfizer (Steven Gilman PhD, now at Millennium),
Biotech Speakers: |
Amgen (Zhu, Xiaotian, PhD),
Avalon Pharma (Carter, Ken PhD),
Biogen (Meena Subramanyam PhD and Matthew Cooper PhD)
Serono (Tony Arulanandam PhD, now at Biogen)
IGEN (Bradford Fanger, PhD)
Charles River Lab (Sunny Tam PhD),
Signet labs (Jeff Livingstone PhD, was at Genentech),
US Genomics (Steve Gullans PhD)
9:30 -10:00 pm |
Networking and one-on-one meetings |